Tax Law Blog

Top Reason to Hire Legal Counsel When Navigating a Tax Issue

Written by on behalf of Robert J. Fedor, Esq., L.L.C. | Aug 1, 2017 11:30:00 AM

The Internet is a wonderful thing. Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines can provide answers to almost any question within a matter of seconds. Some answers are more reliable than others, but savvy tech users know which sites to trust and which to ignore. Savvy tech users likely know that sites that end with .gov are reliable.


These are sites you can trust. These are sites with answers. These are sites that can provide reference if navigating a tax issue.


Unfortunately, this trust may be misplaced.


Wait — I can’t trust .gov sites? Although .gov sites are reliable and provide good information, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has clearly stated that is not the authority when it comes to tax law. This was further clarified in a recent Memorandum by the agency.


Navigating any website and using it as legal authority is a dangerous proposition. Although using for gathering information is likely harmless, using this information in an attempt to preserve your rights when audited or questioned by the IRS is not wise.


What should I do if I am dealing with a tax issue? A recent publication in Forbes attempts to provide some clarification. The piece notes that many question and answer discussions that occur on these sites with IRS employees provide unreliable information. As a result, the IRS encourages drawing a distinction between good and bad advice on its website.


But how does someone looking for answers know which questions on the agency’s website are answered well and which are not?  Ultimately, it is wise for those who are navigating these issues to seek legal counsel.

If you find yourself in a situation that requires dealing with the IRS, it is wise to contact an attorney before you find yourself in a bigger hole. An attorney can advise you as to whether legal counsel is needed to help resolve your issue. With offices in Cleveland, Ohio and Chicago, Illinois, the experienced tax attorneys at Robert J. Fedor, Esq., L.L.C. represent businesses and individuals who are in trouble with the IRS in any of the fifty states or abroad. The firm's focus is on individualized strategies leading to permanent solutions for complicated problems.