Download the eBook:

Will I Be Charged with Criminal Tax Fraud?

Discover the Truth Behind Tax Fraud Charges

Are you worried about the possibility of facing criminal tax fraud charges? Our comprehensive eBook, "Will I Be Charged with Criminal Tax Fraud?", provides the answers you need. In this guide, you will:

  • Learn what tax fraud is and the difference between civil and criminal tax fraud.
  • Understand what "Badges of Fraud" the IRS uses to determine whether to take action.
  • Explore the potential penalties, including civil fines and criminal penalties such as jail time.

This information can be very helpful if you believe you may be facing tax fraud charges. 


Don't let fear and uncertainty cloud your understanding. Just fill out our form to the right to view a brief tutorial to educate you on the basics of IRS tax fraud, prepared by Robert J. Fedor.

Download our eBook today and arm yourself with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of tax fraud.

Download Now and Gain Peace of Mind!

IRS Criminal Tax Fraud