Tax Troubles in Illinois: Woman Convicted for Failure to File Taxes

faliure to fileAn Illinois woman was sentenced for failing to file personal and business tax returns.


60-year-old Jill Little was the corporate secretary for a McLean County business and was responsible for preparing their corporate tax returns. As well, Ms. Little was responsible for collecting, reporting, and paying over employee payroll taxes.


For the years 2015 through 2020, Ms. Little did not file corporate tax returns or the required quarterly tax returns. Nor did she pay over employment taxes to the IRS. As well, she did not file and pay her own personal tax returns for those same years. When presented with the charges, Ms. Little pled guilty via a written plea agreement in January of this year. Ms. Little avoided incarceration and was sentenced to two years’ probation. One year of that term will be spent in home detention with electronic monitoring.


While the details of Ms. Little’s interlude with the federal court system seem almost mundane, given how often this occurs, the personal impact on her life is stark. Ms. Little is likely close to unemployable in the business sector, given her tax crime. She narrowly avoided a jail term and is responsible for completing the payment plan she arranged with the IRS for the remainder of the $514,814.00 that she neglected to pay over. It is probable Ms. Little was levied a Trust Fund Recovery penalty which required her to personally pay all of the payroll taxes that she, as the responsible corporate staffer, had been required to pay over for the business and its employees.


Missing from the press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office was a discussion of what Ms. Little did with the corporate, personal, and payroll taxes she neglected to pay when the money was in her hands. It is recorded that Ms. Little stated her actions “were a mistake.” When sentenced, the Magistrate refuted her statement saying, “You knew you had to pay, but kept not paying, and you got caught.” While it was likely effective legal representation that kept Ms. Little from jail—it was Ms. Little who almost put herself there.


The commission of tax crimes is oftentimes not a personal mistake—but a choice. If you are involved in a possible tax fraud, or have filed a false tax return—or no return at all when it is required—make the choice to get help, and speak with a tax attorney experienced with criminal tax defense.


Charged with a criminal tax allegation?  Speak with our tax group for strong representation

If you have received an audit letter or learned of tax allegations against you, experienced legal guidance is critical. The legal team at Robert J. Fedor, Esq., LLC serves local and international clients challenged with tax litigation, tax crimes, or audits. Call 800-579-0997 or contact us online today.


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