The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is holding tax refunds from 2020 for more than 900,000 taxpayers across the country. Are you one of them?

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An Illinois woman was sentenced for failing to file personal and business tax returns.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a legal procedure that allows opposing parties to avoid litigation and reach a mutually acceptable agreement. It has been used to resolve issues in civil matters from divorce to foreclosures. It is being...

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If you are charged a penalty by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), you may wonder why and what you can do about it.

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In a move that could help half a million taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced new options for electronically filing certain tax documents.

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If you have not filed your federal tax returns in the last few years, tax season may provide an uncomfortable reminder of that obligation.

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They might have called the wrong person when they dialed Michelle Singletary's number. The syndicated Washington Post columnist and author dispenses financial advice twice a week to the paper's readers. When she got a suspicious message from someone...

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Everyone understands that the Internal Revenue Service plays for keeps. If you fail to file tax returns, you will not only owe those back taxes, but you can also be assessed interest and penalties. For those who owe significant amounts, a failure to...

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Some of our Cleveland readers might recall that three years ago the IRS trumpeted an expansion of its Fresh Start initiative. The agency said that by making its Offer In Compromise program more flexible, “some of the most financially distressed...

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The list of government departments and agencies reads like a list of who's who in our nation's capital: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sits at the very top with favorability ratings any presidential candidate would covet. Below the...

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