The nature of a tax controversy hinges on whether a misstep or mistake was willful or non-willful. If you are challenged by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), knowing and being able to prove the difference can have big implications for penalties...

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If you work remotely in New Jersey for a New York employer, you can avoid the hassles of commuting and possibly congestion pricing if it is ever enacted. But you are probably still paying personal income tax to New York.

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Tax migration—is it a thing in New York? A new report suggests maybe not.

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The Ohio legislation would like to phase out state income taxes, a measure that has some critics questioning the math.

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The long-planned effort by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to recover taxes due from the wealthy is underway, already netting the agency more than half a billion dollars.

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If you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and do not know which way to turn, fear not. There is a map for that.

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A $14,729 tax bill is at the root of a U.S. Supreme Court Case that poses a question of whether income must be realized to be taxed.

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The pandemic years were not easy for anyone and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is waiving penalties for some of those who did not pay their back taxes during the years 2020 and 2021.

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When you owe the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), it helps to understand aspects of the tax collection process, including how a federal lien can impact you.

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If you owe the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and do not otherwise arrange to pay off the debt, it might be helpful to understand the collection process.

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