It is a longshot to win the lottery, right? A father and his sons set out to beat the odds and ended up in the IRS:CI top ten for an elaborate tax crime.

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) routinely pursues scams and scamsters engaged in tax fraud.  The IRS also scrutinizes tax returns, annual financial reports, and other submissions for tax fraud.  So—what is tax fraud?

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The IRS: CI top ten list spotlights high-end tax crime and illustrates how IRS investigators spend their time. Coming in at number nine on the annual list is a man who combined filing false income tax returns with drug trafficking.

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The annual IRS: CI Top Ten has returned, marking the ten most notable tax crimes of the prior year. First up is a French man going to prison in the U.S. for masterminding an international tax scam.

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Tax season inevitably evokes a fresh set of scams and schemes aimed at your personal financial information—or your refund.

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The long-planned effort by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to recover taxes due from the wealthy is underway, already netting the agency more than half a billion dollars.

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A mistake or an intentional deception on a tax return can cause problems downstream. You should know what to do if you need to correct a return—or if you knowingly submitted a fraudulent tax return to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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Stolen personal identifying information (PII) allowed an international crime ring to obtain millions of dollars in tax refunds from the U.S. Government.

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While there are numerous legal ways to minimize an income tax burden, falsifying returns and committing fraud to try to get out of paying what is lawfully owed will get you into trouble with the IRS, as one Michigan man recently found out.

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Tax preparer fraud is of perennial importance to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you are an accountant or tax preparer who occasionally or usually stretches the legitimacy of tax returns that you prepare, there may be an IRS challenge in your...

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