Saving the best for last, the top two IRS:CI tax fraud matters of 2023 take a broad swipe at a multitude of IRS regulations from failure to file an FBAR report to money laundering, and tax fraud based on biofuel tax credits.

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is using its historic underfunding to explain why it has failed to pursue high-asset Americans taking unlawful advantage of tax breaks in Puerto Rico.

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The nature of a tax controversy hinges on whether a misstep or mistake was willful or non-willful. If you are challenged by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), knowing and being able to prove the difference can have big implications for penalties...

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Banking offshore can save you money or lead you down a path to a potential tax crime. How does that happen?

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In a recent statement to the House Committee on Financial Services, the Director of FinCen explained its mission and purpose in enacting the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) which became effective at the first of this year.

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An increased IRS budget and a court ruling against the agency are of interest to those who file a report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).

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The 2024 filing season is now open. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began accepting tax returns in late January. It is time to connect with your tax professional to collect, review, and create the appropriate returns.

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The Swiss institution, Banque Pictet, has admitted to helping U.S. taxpayers hide billions in undisclosed accounts.

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A $14,729 tax bill is at the root of a U.S. Supreme Court Case that poses a question of whether income must be realized to be taxed.

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Amazon notched a win in a fractious battle with the EU regarding its tax relationship with Luxembourg, its European headquarters.

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