Banking offshore can save you money or lead you down a path to a potential tax crime. How does that happen?

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A report from the EU Tax Observatory offers six suggestions to align global offshore tax activity with effective tax regulation.

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Drawing back the curtain on global tax fraud, an independent EU research lab affiliated with the Paris School of Economics has released a new report on international tax evasion.

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The U.S. Supreme Court handed the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a loss in a case related to penalties for nonwillful failure to file an FBAR.

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The pandemic and the Great Resignation untethered a lot of people from office work. Today, your workplace could be an on-site office, at home, or a remote office. For some, that remote office is on the road in the U.S. or abroad. Digital nomads...

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The Senate Finance Committee recently released an investigative report that identifies a loophole allowing offshore banks to accept and hold funds for U.S. taxpayers without reporting to the IRS.

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Is failure to file disclosures of offshore tax a criminal tax crime? It depends.

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Last month, we talked about the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR). This month, we will look at another consumer resource, the National Taxpayer Advocate, and the recent fiscal year Objectives Report to Congress.

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Offshore financial centers offer options to people and governments interested in protecting and growing their wealth. Some promote tax fraud, while others do not.

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The long arm of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reaches for monies you keep anywhere in the world. Accurate reporting is key to remaining compliant and off the radar of the IRS.

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