Receiving notice of a tax audit from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not unusual but usually triggers concern. Understanding what you might need for an audit can quell some of the anxiety when you get an IRS audit letter in the mail.

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If you’ve come to a point of no return in your marriage, taxes may very well not be top of mind compared to other, more emotionally pressing issues. It’s important to realize, however, that divorce or separation can affect your taxes in many...

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On April 16, 2015, Robert Fedor, of Robert J. Fedor Esq, LLC, appeared as a guest speaker at the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Family Law Section monthly meeting. The discussion on April 16th, was titled: IRS Offers of Compromise Regarding...

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In this blog, we frequently discuss tax matters and potential problems that impact small business owners and non-owners alike. In many cases, tax disputes result from adverse situations that impact an individual's professional or personal life....

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