It is a longshot to win the lottery, right? A father and his sons set out to beat the odds and ended up in the IRS:CI top ten for an elaborate tax crime.

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The IRS: CI top ten list spotlights high-end tax crime and illustrates how IRS investigators spend their time. Coming in at number nine on the annual list is a man who combined filing false income tax returns with drug trafficking.

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The long-planned effort by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to recover taxes due from the wealthy is underway, already netting the agency more than half a billion dollars.

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A mistake or an intentional deception on a tax return can cause problems downstream. You should know what to do if you need to correct a return—or if you knowingly submitted a fraudulent tax return to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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Stolen personal identifying information (PII) allowed an international crime ring to obtain millions of dollars in tax refunds from the U.S. Government.

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reserves its Top Ten Tax Fraud list for notable schemes prosecuted in the past year. Number five is on the list likely for its national scale and sheer audacity.

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A Nevada tax preparer grew his business through forgery and identity theft--and then sold his puffed-up preparer business to an unsuspecting buyer.

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If you have not filed your federal tax returns in the last few years, tax season may provide an uncomfortable reminder of that obligation.

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Should you file taxes early or late?

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A tax policy created under the American Rescue Plan of 2021 is intended to ensure that taxpayers fully report proceeds that run through payment apps and e-commerce sites. Responding to blowback on the implementation of the measure this year, the...

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