A large Italian grocery chain and its directors are under investigation for fraud and an employment tax dispute.

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In the press of the pandemic and after, many businesses and other entities filed Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims. In 2023, an investigation by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) found many of those claims were not eligible. What happens next?

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Employers in the U.S. are required to collect employment taxes and pay them over to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Not only that but responsible parties are expected to do so in a timely and correct manner. Not surprisingly, if there is an...

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The temptation is too great—a business owner siphons employment taxes to fund the business or his lifestyle. You may be falling behind on paying over withholding taxes right now, but are convinced no one will notice. But what if the IRS already...

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Payroll tax crimes are common and usually avoidable. The plight of one business owner highlights the federal obligation to pay over employment taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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Corporations need tax and compliance support throughout the year. Understanding the benefits of working with a tax provider can help you make the right decisions for your company.

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An ongoing trial in New York City focused on criminal tax fraud continues with trial delays due to COVID-19.

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Internal company investigations are common. Most of these white-collar investigations are conducted and concluded. Others make headlines. If you receive an Upjohn warning as a result of an internal investigation, it is important to understand what...

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The COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot of things—including taxes paid to the municipalities where many Ohio businesses are located.

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Does deciding not to report income earned off the table really matter? It is not like stealing—or adding a fictitious dependent, right? What exactly constitutes a tax crime to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?

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