If you receive a letter from the IRS notifying you of an audit, you may not be too worried. If you did a good job on your taxes and have a pretty good idea of your reporting, there is not an enormous reason to sweat. If you know there is potential...

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If you work remotely in New Jersey for a New York employer, you can avoid the hassles of commuting and possibly congestion pricing if it is ever enacted. But you are probably still paying personal income tax to New York.

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The downward spiral of a business owner or company can be triggered by a simple letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announcing a civil tax audit.

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When audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), it is important to understand the focus of an audit and whether there is concern for a civil mistake or criminal wrongdoing.

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Tax evasion is illegal, but tax avoidance is not. If you own a small business, there are a host of deductions that might work for you in reducing your tax bill.

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) routinely pursues scams and scamsters engaged in tax fraud.  The IRS also scrutinizes tax returns, annual financial reports, and other submissions for tax fraud.  So—what is tax fraud?

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is holding tax refunds from 2020 for more than 900,000 taxpayers across the country. Are you one of them?

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Tax audits happen. If you receive a notice of tax audit, information about the process can reduce anxiety and help you prepare to respond to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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Each year, the National Taxpayer Advocate delivers an annual report to Congress. This year, the report includes 66 recommendations aimed at improving services to taxpayers, boosting taxpayer rights, and helping the IRS do its job better.

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The annual IRS: CI Top Ten has returned, marking the ten most notable tax crimes of the prior year. First up is a French man going to prison in the U.S. for masterminding an international tax scam.

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