A federal judge in Alabama ruled in favor of the National Small Business Association in finding that the requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) constitute congressional overreach.

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The 2023 Report to Congress by the National Taxpayer Advocate (NTA) Erin Collins has been released. The report depicts an agency in transition with challenges to overcome in providing services to the nation’s taxpayers.

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A $14,729 tax bill is at the root of a U.S. Supreme Court Case that poses a question of whether income must be realized to be taxed.

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When a taxpayer does not respond to notices, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can move to collect taxes due in several ways. One of those collection methods is paycheck garnishment, also known as a “wage levy.”

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Employers in Ohio and across the U.S. are obligated to collect, report, remit, and document taxes withheld from employees that are paid over to state coffers and the U.S. Treasury. Failure of that duty can lead to personal liability for business...

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Tax preparer fraud is of perennial importance to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you are an accountant or tax preparer who occasionally or usually stretches the legitimacy of tax returns that you prepare, there may be an IRS challenge in your...

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An increased budget for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) means better service to taxpayers and closer attention to the tax gap. The U.S. Treasury and the IRS recently weighed in on the issue.

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According to the National Taxpayer Advocate, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has some work to do to better serve its customers—and its mandate.

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In January, the National Taxpayer Advocate delivered her annual report to Congress. The document is a “report card” on the service provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to its constituents—U.S. taxpayers. The report identifies problem areas...

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A tax-friendly tool to help a child pay for college may help you pass along generational wealth. For families interested in the educational future of a child, a 529 Savings Plan offers the means for parents and grandparents to help beneficiaries pay...

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