An Illinois woman was sentenced for failing to file personal and business tax returns.

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The long arm of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tagged a Dutch tax professional in Italy for return to the U.S. to face charges of tax fraud involving high-net-worth celebrities.

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While there are numerous legal ways to minimize an income tax burden, falsifying returns and committing fraud to try to get out of paying what is lawfully owed will get you into trouble with the IRS, as one Michigan man recently found out.

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reserves its Top Ten Tax Fraud list for notable schemes prosecuted in the past year. Number five is on the list likely for its national scale and sheer audacity.

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Several European countries are taking a close look at their financial institutions over a tax fraud scheme involving tax refunds on the sale of stocks.

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A California man on the run for two decades after conviction for tax fraud has been sentenced to prison.

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Maybe it was a payroll tax issue that got away from you. For some, it is foreign bank accounts used but not reported. Or—a large-scale tax fraud and you are just tired of looking over your shoulder for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Are you...

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As common as it is, tax fraud is still a shock to unsuspecting investors. In this scam, at #8 on the IRS: CI list of top litigated matters last year, a California man lived high off the investments of others for years before law enforcement moved in.

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A Nevada tax preparer grew his business through forgery and identity theft--and then sold his puffed-up preparer business to an unsuspecting buyer.

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The annual report from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Internal Revenue Service for the fiscal year 2022 was released recently. In a branding departure, the cover of the report offers a cross-section of smiling, engaged IRS: CI agents, as...

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