In the press of the pandemic and after, many businesses and other entities filed Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims. In 2023, an investigation by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) found many of those claims were not eligible. What happens next?

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The long-planned effort by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to recover taxes due from the wealthy is underway, already netting the agency more than half a billion dollars.

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If you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and do not know which way to turn, fear not. There is a map for that.

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The Swiss institution, Banque Pictet, has admitted to helping U.S. taxpayers hide billions in undisclosed accounts.

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Amazon notched a win in a fractious battle with the EU regarding its tax relationship with Luxembourg, its European headquarters.

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Passed by federal legislators in 2022, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) takes aim at deterring tax fraud and money laundering. The Act went into effect on the first day of 2024.

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The claims of investors in the FTX bankruptcy remain uncertain pending the resolution of a $24 billion claim by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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Employers in the U.S. are required to collect employment taxes and pay them over to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Not only that but responsible parties are expected to do so in a timely and correct manner. Not surprisingly, if there is an...

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A report from the EU Tax Observatory offers six suggestions to align global offshore tax activity with effective tax regulation.

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In a last-minute deal, Columbian pop star Shakira settled her case involving criminal tax charges brought by Spanish prosecutors.

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