The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reserves its Top Ten Tax Fraud list for notable schemes prosecuted in the past year. Number five is on the list likely for its national scale and sheer audacity.

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Tax preparer fraud is of perennial importance to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you are an accountant or tax preparer who occasionally or usually stretches the legitimacy of tax returns that you prepare, there may be an IRS challenge in your...

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A program aimed at helping employers retain workers during the pandemic is now the subject of an IRS investigation.

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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Dirty Dozen list is an annual event—a concise list of the most common scams challenging taxpayers today.

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Continuing the countdown of IRS: CI's top ten tax crimes of 2022, number seven belongs to Michael Dexter Little, a gentleman with a great appetite for tax crime.

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According to the National Taxpayer Advocate, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has some work to do to better serve its customers—and its mandate.

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Expats do not live in the U.S.—but they still may need to file a tax return.

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A Nevada tax preparer grew his business through forgery and identity theft--and then sold his puffed-up preparer business to an unsuspecting buyer.

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Tax season is underway. Top earners can manage wealth and save money with some strategic planning around taxes.

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Corporations need tax and compliance support throughout the year. Understanding the benefits of working with a tax provider can help you make the right decisions for your company.

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