With tax season approaching, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is again warning consumers and companies to avoid “ghost” tax return preparers. Are you a ghost preparer?

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Preparation of personal and business returns gives tax professionals access and the opportunity to commit tax fraud. Have you crossed the line while working for a company or individual taxpayer? Do you worry about the IRS?

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Last year, the new tax plan affected many employees' paychecks: They received an increase. Isn't more money a good thing? Not necessarily. It proved troublesome because several Americans discovered they received too much money, meaning they owed...
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The tax deadline is quickly approaching. This can lead some taxpayers to take a chance on a tax preparation service that they have not used in the past. Although this may lead to quick completion of your taxes, it could come with serious long-term...

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Some certified public accountants help businesses structure transactions and some attorneys prepare income tax forms. The lines between the two professions can blur but a CPA-lawyer says it is important to understand distinctions that separate the...

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In our previous post on our Cleveland tax blog, we discussed some of the occasions and circumstances in which it makes sense for taxpayers to hire tax professionals. As regular readers will recall, we mentioned required FBAR (Report of Foreign Bank...

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Tax season is in full swing and, by now, Ohio residents have likely finished their taxes or at least made decisions about whether or not they plan to hire someone else to do their taxes. Whether an individual plans to complete and file their own...

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Each tax season, millions of Americans rely upon tax professionals to prepare and file tax-related documents. While many tax preparers are employed by reputable and well-known companies, many others are independent and self-employed and, therefore,...

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