An “eggshell” audit is an IRS audit with potentially serious consequences. An eggshell audit is what it sounds like, a sensitive audit in which you hope the IRS does not look too closely at your financial dealings.

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An ongoing trial in New York City focused on criminal tax fraud continues with trial delays due to COVID-19.

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Internal company investigations are common. Most of these white-collar investigations are conducted and concluded. Others make headlines. If you receive an Upjohn warning as a result of an internal investigation, it is important to understand what...

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The Inflation Reduction Act recently signed into law provides a major budget boost to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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If you make an error on your personal return or become aware there is an error on your business tax return, there are options for correcting your return.

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If you earn upwards of $100,000 or more each year and did not file one or more tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), this blog is for you.

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An online Puerto Rican bank owned by an American investor has reached a settlement to liquidate the bank after a J5 investigation into tax evasion led to its suspension.

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If you are working with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on a payroll tax dispute, it is important to understand the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TRFP).

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Last month, we talked about the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR). This month, we will look at another consumer resource, the National Taxpayer Advocate, and the recent fiscal year Objectives Report to Congress.

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McKinsey & Company is in hot water again as French officials paid a visit to their Paris offices in search of evidence of tax fraud.

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