Tax fraud involving identity theft is big business. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) wants to help you understand your risks, and be proactive in preventing others from gaining access to your tax ID and data.

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The Department of Justice (DOJ) continues to pursue tax preparers engaged in filing fraudulent tax returns. Let’s look at some of these cases in our own backyard in Ohio.

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In our continuing countdown of the top five list of high-profile and prominent investigations by the Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CI) in 2020, we bring you number three. This is the tale of a gentleman whose tangled web of dishonesty earned...

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Tax fraud is easy to commit and less easy to remedy once a criminal tax investigation has been initiated. Are you concerned about attracting the interest of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?

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It's tax season, and that means there are a lot of documents to prepare. The deadline extension to May 17, 2021, is helpful, but it's still a stressful time. A lot of that stress comes from waiting until the last minute--to start working on it or to...

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Tax fraud involving fraudulent tax returns takes down another tax preparer—this time an examiner for the IRS.

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You have heard it before. Since it is tax time, you’ll hear it again. Choose your tax preparer wisely.

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Reality often bites. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) drove that point home recently with a top five list of their most prominent prosecutions in 2020.

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Avoid an IRS audit by knowing what you can–and cannot—deduct this year. The Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD) is likely not a good candidate.

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As a business owner, it is easy to slip into questionable business practices. When it becomes a slide, it is important to know what can happen—and where to get help.

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